Primary school Boško Radulović is situated in Komani, one of the rural settlements positioned only eight kilometres from the urban part of Podgorica. In this school 14% of students are classified as students with special learning needs.
Low socioeconomic status in childhood is related to poor cognitive development, language, memory, socioemotional processing, and consequently poor income and health in adulthood. Considering those challenges of Montenegro society in general and Komani’s students in particular, project Schools for 21st Century was greatly welcomed by the project team as it gave opportunity to the disadvantaged students from low socio-economic background, and especially girls, to learn, engage and have a fun.
Some girls took leadership roles. Moreover, this project included students of all ages and abilities. Even the students who did not want an active role at the beginning of the project eventually showed interest in technology and coding. Four students with learning disabilities also took part in the project. In total, 27 primary schools students from Komani were involved in the project.