Primary school Milosav Koljenšić is located in the village Slap, rural part of Danilovgrad municipality. All school-age children from Slap and surroundings go to Milosav Koljensic School. There are 53 students and 19 teachers. No teacher lives in Slap.
Students from Slap are disadvantaged in comparison to the majority of their peers. Their disadvantages are primarily arising from their village location. Remoteness and isolation were the main problems mentioned by the interviewees. Some of the students also come from the families with low socio-economic status.
Unfortunately, unlike their peers from other parts of Montenegro, they rarely have computers, tablets and phones. The majority of students from Slap do not have an Internet at home.
There were 34 students from Slap enrolled in Milosav Koljenšić’ grades six to nine in 2019/20 and therefore, they got a chance to participate in the project ‘Schools for 21st Century’. Among them, 19 (11 girls and 8 boys) actively and continually participated in the Micro:bit club work.