Jelena Janković, product manager of Amplitudo Academy, shares her story of how national competition in Montenegro inspired her company to work more closely with school children and their teachers and help them pitch their projects and learn new skills necessary for the 21st century. Amplitudo is a software, mobile app company that also works in design and marketing. The company's strategy is to create innovative products that solve practical problems and turn those products into startups.
"We also have a startup team specialized for competition presentation. At the national competition, we realized that the biggest problem those amazing children have is the presentation of their projects so we offered to help them improve their project presentations for regional competition and in a way commercialize them a bit.
The national competition was an amazing experience for us. It was so fulfilling and touching and motivating to see a room with 50 children who made such innovative projects without previous experience or knowledge and who were so eager to present them.
We saw some amazing projects - students from one elementary school designed an automated school since in their school students ring the bell at the beginning and end of each class. It was so great to see how they used microbit to solve a practical problem.
That shows us that we have potential innovators and entrepreneurs who will be very creative and innovative in their future work!"