Communicative assessment
Communicative assessment

About this course

This is a 20-hour online self-access* course for teachers s of English interested in exploring new approaches to assessment and testing. 

Divided into ten units, the ‘Communicative Assessment’ course contains useful resources, exercises, discussion activities and opportunities for teachers to design assessment tasks that are relevant to their own teaching context. It is a general course suitable for teachers working in the primary, secondary, tertiary or the private ELT sector. 

The course aims to:

  • help teachers identify some of the key areas associated with Communicative Language Teaching, 
  • focus on assessment and testing within the communicative approach to English teaching, 
  • link assessment theory directly to the design of testing and assessment materials, 
  • focus on testing each language skill as well as integrating skills testing.

In order to complete the course and to print out a certificate for Communicative Assessment, participants must complete and pass all the course tasks in the ten units.

A course certificate can be printed only on successful completion of all the course tasks and activities.

* Self-access means that you can complete it at your own pace and there is no online moderator (tutor). Each participant is provided with a user name and password in order to access the website (on the Moodle platform). Moodle can normally be accessed from a computer with little difficulty, even computers with limited bandwidth.

Course content

The course is made up of a minimum of 20 hours of online training comprising ten units available online. The ten units cover the following topics:

  1. assessment theory 
  2. formative assessment 
  3. item review 
  4. item analysis 
  5. test specification 
  6. testing reading skills 
  7. testing writing skills 
  8. testing listening skills 
  9. testing speaking skills 
  10. testing integrated skill 

Each unit contains course tasks and exercises, reading tasks. Some units contain audio tasks.

Dates and prices

The course takes place three times a year. Register by 15 September 2014 for the course starting on 1 October 2014.

Course name Regular price EUR Discounted price (20%)* EUR
Communicative Assessment 50,00 40,00


* For British Council online course alumni (only those who completed at least one of our courses successfully, i.e. received a certificate) and Forum participants.

Registration and payment

Please follow the instructions to register and make a payment for the course.