Wednesday 03 June 2020 -
15:00 to 16:00

As part of our #AtHome with the British Council programme, we are organising a series of Higher Education dialogues which will help you connect with colleagues from around the world and share your experience.

This week topic was ‘How can universities engage with and motivate students?’

As more and more universities move their teaching online, and with little indication when students may go back to the campus, effective engaging and interacting with current students is becoming a big challenge. 

- How do we know if a student is truly participating in the online learning? 

- How can we continue to motivate and inspire the future generation?  

Watch this engaging session with speakers from all over the world to hear from universities and learn their experiences of connecting with their students, when face-to-face contact has reduced and, in some places, completely stopped. 

About the speakers

Dr Liz Marr - Pro-Vice Chancellor (Students), The Open University. Liz has responsibility for all student facing development and enhancement, including student retention, progression, achievement and satisfaction, widening access and success, employability, quality monitoring and enhancement 

David White - Head of Digital Learning, University of the Arts London. David oversees digital teaching and learning including supporting teaching staff in the effective pedagogical use of the online environment. David is well known internationally for the Visitors and Residents paradigm, which helps to explain how we live, and work online. 

Dr Jan Bamford - Professor of International Higher Education and Head of Student Experience and Academic Outcomes, London Metropolitan University. Her research interests focus on exploring students’ cultural journeys in higher education, the internationalisation of higher education and the international student experience.  Her new book International Joint Double Degree and International Transitions: the self, culture and pedagogy, will be published by Palgrave MacMillan in August 2020.

Sena Çatal - Research Assistant, Member of Student Committee at Turkish Higher Education Quality Council. Sena currently pursuing her Master of Architecture and Urban Studies degree at TED University and an active member of the Higher Education Quality Council Student Committee.

Moderator - Kevin Van Cauter, British Council.

Once a week, every week, Higher Education professionals will be brought together to exchange knowledge and ideas on different topics. Come back and tune in to find out more. This series is free of charge.