The radio show is delivered under the project "Communicating EU Accession and IPA Assistance in Montenegro". The project is implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MFAEI) and funded by the EU Delegation to Montenegro, the British Embassy Podgorica and the MFAEI.
In the second show of the radio programme “EU is here” we talk about chapter 26 – Education, which was provisionally closed two years ago.
How close are we to the European standards in the area of education; how will we spend 28 million euros from the European funds; how important are programmes such as Erasmus Mundus to our students, and how many students from Montenegro had a chance to study abroad?
These and other questions will be answered by the head of working group for chapter 26, Mubera Kurpejovic and Milo Radonjic, an economist who has been studying and working in the EU countries for 5 years.
Prepared by Vladana Jovanović.
You can follow the radio show here.